Thursday, October 20, 2011

Drink local...straight from the source.

I like to advocate craft beer. Plain and simple. Most of you who will read this know that already. So here is a idea that seems to be forgotten by many when choosing a place to drink.....drink local. What do I mean by that? I mean actually go to the brewery itself and sit down for a refreshing pint.

With new breweries coming up all the time around the area (Elkhart and Granger I'm talking to you now) it is easier than ever to support the beer scene on such a intimate level. Not only are you supporting the small guy in the biggest way possible you are also getting the freshest beer in your glass without having to look at a born on date to figure it out.

Supporting a local brewery by just going to it does have its perks at times like:

1) Cheaper prices than your normal bar which might actually only be 4 minutes away from the brewpub itself. (Greenbush, Four Horsemen, and Figure 8 thank you for $4 pints).
2) Getting to know the bar staff does mean a pint might get slid your way from time to time.
3) Become friends with the owners or brewers and see how often you get a chance to try something no one else gets set (special beers, one off beers, ect ect).

I know I could list more bonuses to this list but that should be up to you to figure out on your own.

Spending locally as well means that your money stays right where it the community. I'm not going to rant and rave on this issue much as it seems the rest of the world is but the easiest way to support local economy is to put your money into it. Plus going right to the source for your pint means something else which I stated above..cheaper prices. Why go to a bar and spend 6 or 7 dollars on a pint of something when you could go to said brewery and only pay 4 dollars? Buy 2 beers at a bar or else 3 at the brewery and still pay the same amount! This seems like a no brainer to me!!

Next time when you think that a brewery might be a little out of your reach you might be surprised how close one actually is to you. And while you are there thank the brewer for making you the freshest beer as possible to drink for the least amount of money out of your wallet. And hell if I'm there you can buy me a pint if you so well choose. Just remember drink local because you might lose what you have if you keep holding off on it.

Friday, October 14, 2011

What to expect with this site...

I wanted to start this site with a couple of things in mind:

1) Review places that serve craft beer. Bars, venues, breweries, ect.
2) Do reviews of area breweries and their beers. This means if it's not from the Michiana area then you will not see it on here.
3) Be vocal in things I see going on in the beer community in the area.
4) Insight on the beer industry from an insider's perspective.

I'm sure you'll see other things on here from time to time like info on beer releases, new breweries opening, and beer dinners/brewfests going on. These are not my main focus on this but they will be included.

This blog will be a work in progress and format might change from time to time but one this is for certain....I will not be anything less than honest. If I go to a bar and have horrible service I will note that in my post. If the beer pricing is expensive then I will let you know. I want to advocate good beer and the places that serve them but not on the reader's wallet. Cheers!